Sanctuary – Almost Done

I told you all about the “sanctuary” I had envisioned for my backyard.  I’m someone that loves Mother Nature, and loves her space to meditate.  Usually that means outside of the house and closer to anything nature.

In suburbia, finding nature is difficult.  My neighbors have a beautiful tree that seems to love coming over into our yard – thankfully.  It was in that corner of my yard I planned out my sanctuary.

I thought I’d show you thusfar where we are at with this endeavor.

These are in order and the only things left are the roof, painting and the interior.  But here she is:

The Corner Before Work Began
The Corner Before Work Began
Deck for Flooring Set
Deck for Flooring Set
Deck Flooring
Deck Flooring
Framing Up
Framing Up
Framing Up - Closer
Framing Up - Closer
Some Siding Up
Some Siding Up
Almost Done!
Almost Done!

The funky tarp over the top is simply because it’s been raining.  What you probobly cannot see at all is that inside there is a candle chandelier, a cozy wicker chair, candles and insence burner.

The front will have drapes to close off the doorway.  I do work in a dark environment.  Work on me that is.  I do my meditation by candlelight.  The tree does hang over so I get to get the vibe from my friend Mr. Tree.

Inside the feeling is absolutely wonderful.

I have yet to plant most of the plants around it, as I have to paint – this weekend?  And dig next to it for a fountain.

12 thoughts on “Sanctuary – Almost Done”

  1. @Penelope Anne: You are welcome to come and read and write… 😉 I even have my favorite warm throw in there. 😉 Glad you liked!

  2. Wow that looks amazing. I can’t wait to see the finished product! So zen!

    fragilehearts last blog post..Reflections of a fragile heart

  3. @fragileheart: I am hoping to paint this weekend! 😉 Not sure what the weather is gonna be like… 😉 I’ll be sure to take pics. I’m glad you liked!

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